Excelsior Mark Lodge. No.359.
The Installation Meetings 21st Feb 2013
Another very cold February day but at least no rain for the journey north to the Masonic Hall, Island Road South, Garston in Liverpool, first impressions of the building a very tidy structure but nothing spectacular, however once inside you find a hidden gem. A very pleasant lounge bar area and a welcoming reception from the Chef and bar staff who offered hot drinks, biscuits and some lovely strawberry scones.
As the Brethren began to arrive a little further investigation of the building displayed an excellent dining room laid out in readiness for the Festive Board on the ground floor, on ascending the stairs to the first floor you find several anti-rooms for robing and what a site greets the eyes on entering the Tyler’s room a wonderful finely carved display case complete with lots of Masonic Treasures and memorabilia, well worth spending time to check the items out.
Left: The dinning Room.
The Temple itself is very well furnished with lots of wall tablets showing Past Masters/Principals and was full of bright colours being set up for the Mark meeting, on station already discussing business were the stalwarts of any Lodge the Secretary and Treasurer who offered greetings to the visitors.
Above: Masonic Treasure's
Above Right: The Lodge Room is set out
Right: W.Bro. Derek Horrocks, Special Rep. Arrives.
The Lodge was opened by the WM, VW Bro Eric Hughes on time at 6pm and several general items were dealt with before the RW PGM Bro.Peter Connolly accompanied by Acting Grand and Provincial Officers entered. Appropriate greetings were given before the Lodge settled down to the main business of the evening to Install Bro.Barry Tomlinson as WM, a finer ceremony you will never see as conducted by WBro. Derek Horocks PGStdB, perfect in every way, warm, sincere and heartfelt, he was ably assisted by the outgoing WM Eric Hughes along with several Acting Prov Officers.
The address to the WM was given by Eric Hughes, address to the Wardens by the Prov SW, address to the Overseers by the Prov JW and as always the address to all was given by the PGM.
The newly made WM was very pleased to present the PGM with a cheque for Masonic Charities who in turn was delighted to announce to all that it was for the princely sum of £359 the same as the Lodge number, which dates back to 1885.
At the appropriate time the PGM retired form the Lodge accompanied by his Provincial team whilst the Lodge continued with its normal business.

The Brethren gathered in the Lounge area for some friendly conversation bringing news from all parts of the Province and of course some light refreshment of the alcoholic kind, during this time the Asst Prov GM Ian Douglas Nairn PGJD tried his best to get some reaction from those present by displaying two options for a proposed new Provincial Tie, it was proving a bit difficult as they were made of cardboard, even so I think we all got the general idea, the colours were one blue, one silver) It definitely appeared that the blue one was favourite! (except for someone quite flamboyant can you guess who!)

Right: W.Bro. Ian Nairn models the Ties.
There were approx 60 seated at the excellent Festive Board, the food and service was first class and included Traditional Yorkshire pudding and Roast Beef.
The new WM Barry now works as a PTI working in the field of Public Disorder with Merseyside Police, his hobbies include watching Everton (can’t be helped) and Merseyside Police Rugby Team, he did play a lot of Rugby but he says those days are long gone. He is also a Warden of St Agnes & St Pancras Church, Toxteth Park which is a grade 1 Listed building, built about the same time as the Excelsior Mark Lodge was founded, a very active Anglican Church described as the most beautiful of all Liverpool’s Victorian Churches.   
Left: PGM toasts the New WM
The toasts and responses being ended it gave Barry immense pleasure to present the PGM with a lovely bouquet of flowers for his good lady and that was it another excellent night spent in good company, spread the word see if you can find some likewise Brethren who have not yet been made aware of our “Happy Degree” which of course includes the RAM.
Off into the night for the drive home and for once no rain!! Only one problem got 5 miles away and realised had left overcoat at the hall, ah well can’t win them all.   Mark Well.
Article and Photographs Courtesy of Austin Fletcher